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...中的创造性艺术思维培养 Creating More than Art in the ECC...
来自 : 搜狐网 发布时间:2021-03-25

原标题:海嘉课堂 | 幼儿教育中的创造性艺术思维培养 Creating More than Art in the ECC








Dianne Elizabeth Boice












海嘉学生的成长,来自于强大的师资团队。打造一支有心灵高度和专业高度的教师队伍,是海嘉不断努力的方向。作为一所有教育理想的学校,我们鼓励教师团队始终保持敬畏的正心诚意,把对理想的追求转变为一种天长地久的工作常态。 让孩子因为我们而幸福,让教育因为而美好!

Creating More than Art in the ECC

Art is an essential aspect of any early childhood program. A well-planned art curriculum promotes skills and growth across all developmental domains, including cognitive, social, emotional, and physical domains. Young children are very creative, and enjoy using materials in art classes to express their ideas and learn with one another. Children should be encouraged to explore the materials in the art center of a classroom and simply enjoy what happens, rather than be focused on the outcome of their work of art.

Utilizing art in the daily curriculum of early childhood classrooms will help young children develop skills and abilities they can apply to many other areas of life. Children will also develop an appreciation for art found in other cultures, and the ability to express their own thoughts and feelings in a unique way. Rather than focusing on the end result of a particular piece of art, the process of planning, preparing, and executing artwork provides multiple lessons all rolled into one, which makes art activities a tremendous educational tool for all early child care providers.

You can’t use up creativity – the more you use, the more you will have.

——Maya Angelou

Here at BIBA we regard the importance of the art curriculum highly, and this starts with our youngest students in the ECC. Along with a high level of art and creativity in the classrooms, the BIBA ECC is lucky indeed to have their own specialized art teacher. If you get a chance to spend some time in the ECC art classroom, you will see why.


Interview with Dianne Boice

Dianne Elizabeth Boice

“Since being hired to teach Art here at BIBA, I like to place emphasis on helping student’s to choose to create art in their unique way, creating using their individuality, showcasing each student’s individual capabilities and creativity. I love seeing our student’s unique personality come through in their creations. Art class is a time to experiment and play, squishing paint, cutting, gluing and drawing also learning basic art skills, problem solving, design thinking and developing self-esteem.Children are smart, they discover new things in the art room all the time and they get excited. I’m here to cheer them on!

Teaching Visual Intelligence is incredibly important and something I am passionate about, we have fun and it shows. I don’t expect every student to grow up and make a living as an artist. However, in art class students are given the opportunity to make their own decisions, telling their own story while they problem solve and collaborate with others. A better artist = a better observer. We are all learning Visual Intelligence together, and it is never mastered, it is a continual process, and it is always fun!”

Recently, Dianne was able to travel to New Zealand to attend a Professional Development conference.

“Going to New Zealand for the International Association of Art in Early Childhood Conference was an excellent opportunity to hear the latest research and gather ideas to enhance my teaching practice. Young children are like tourists, wandering around with the innate curiosity to see, touch, experience and play, this is how they learn. To meet this innate need while learning I set fun art class actives such as darkening the art room, hunting for dinosaurs with flashlights, playing with a USB microscope and using an overhead projector to play with lights, shadows, colors, and shapes. Preschool should be irresistibly fun and I am definitely a better teacher after attending the conference. I am so grateful to BIBA for making it possible for me to attend. Taking so many ideas from all around the world and adapting them to fit into our culture here at BIBA has been a fun challenge.

I attended this conference in order to grasp a deeper understanding of what play based learning is all about and how I could change my art room and teaching to best suit the needs of our students here at BIBA. Like all teachers, we are always changing what we do, trying new things and continually reinventing ourselves as teachers to reach constantly evolving student needs.”

Professional Development at BIBA

BIBA not only provides a growing environment for students, but also provides a wider platform for teachers to continue their education and to share high-quality education resources. Every year, we offer teachers many opportunities to continue learning. At BIBA, lifelong learning is not only an expectation for students, but also an essential requirement for teachers.

When teachers receive professional development, students benefit. Professional development encourages a growth mindset, keeps teacher skill sets relevant and learn new innovative skills to support students. The science of teaching constantly finds new ways to have a tangible impact on our students learning. Furthermore, continuous professional development allows teaching to stay relevant in an ever-changing world and can prepare students to succeed in an evolving world — they need to be able to teach students 21st century skills, such as how to use emerging technologies, how to navigate evolving workplaces, how to communicate and collaborate effectively and how to think critically and solve problems. If teachers receive good quality, meaningful and relevant professional development, the more likely students are to succeed.

“It is the supreme art of the teacher to awake joy in creative expression and knowledge” – Albert Einstein返回搜狐,查看更多


本文链接: http://eccinternational.immuno-online.com/view-742098.html

发布于 : 2021-03-25 阅读(0)
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